Monday, March 31, 2008

Adventures in Cobbs Creek

There are certain places in the city that can honestly take your breath away. Cobbs Creek is one of those places that does it for me.
You probably wouldn't have known this because I'm talking about the part below street level...untouched nature...simply glorious.

Its like the air is different down there. Cleaner, thinner, more invigorating.

It was so beautiful. Everytime I go, its like I've never been. All of you writers out there, if you're looking inspiration, you should go.

It's also a perfect place for a good ole game of catch a girl, get a girl.


who? said...

I never actually chilled down cobbs creek, though... maybe gotta do it one day...

will write for food said...

catch a girl, get a girl...

i havent played that in years.
